Why Boot Camp for New Dads Works

The following principles developed out of our early experience, and they have guided us ever since.

We Respect Every New Father

We respect the desire of virtually every new father to be there for his child, no matter his circumstances. We believe every father should have the opportunity to do his best in the form of the support he needs to overcome the challenges he faces. Every child deserves this as well.

We Connect With Fathers When They Are Ready

We reach new fathers in the months before their child’s birth when our own experience and, now research, demonstrates these men are most interested and receptive to support, education and transformative changes inspired by fatherhood.

Our “Nursery in a Locker Room” Brings Out the Best in Men

Men respond to a challenge from other men as well as to the guidance of those with experience, which is what new fathers get in Boot Camp’s father-to-father workshops. They also find a safe, supportive environment where they can open up and deal with their deepest fears and concerns.

We Equip Them So They Can Succeed

The key to success with new fathers is to equip them with basic skills and confidence before their baby arrives. Once involved and connected, babies provide their fathers new found strength they need to overcome the challenges they encounter. Without this connection, there is no reward for the sacrifices a new father makes, and their motivation wilts.

We Do Not Tell Them What to Do

Our job is to provide a broad range of information and alternatives to each father and respect their ability to determine what is best for them and their family. As a result, we do not take positions on any issues.

We Build From Our Strength 

We do not target “high risk” fathers. We support all new fathers, each of whom faces some level of risk, and find that men of different cultures, colors, ages, and economic levels working together creates a rich diversity of experience that enhances the growth of all involved. While those facing higher risks and programs serving high risk communities consume more support, all have something to contribute.  

We Leverage Our Strength

Boot Camp graduates serve as role models in their families and neighborhoods and help raise the bar for all fathers. Our programs also serve as a sort of “beachhead” for fatherhood support programs in local communities that expand over time. As we reach critical mass in a community, our leverage intensifies.

We Are Helping Create a Culture of Accountability 

We show fathers how to connect with each other so they are surrounded by men who help them do their best. We are helping build a culture that fosters and rewards excellence in fathering where men hold each other accountable for their performance with respect to their children. Failure is no longer an option.